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The overall goal of the project is to examine carry out theoretical and empirical studies on sustainability-oriented socio-technical transitions in Estonian context. The focus in on in-dept and comparative analysis of dynamics, drivers and barriers to socio-technical transitions in diverse domains from mobility to food and built environment.

Research field: Public policy and innovation
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erkki Karo
Availability: This position is available.
Offered by: School of Business and Governance
Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Application deadline:Applications are accepted between June 01, 2024 00:00 and June 30, 2024 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)


The overall goal of the project is to examine carry out theoretical and empirical studies on sustainability-oriented socio-technical transitions in Estonian context. The focus in on in-dept and comparative analysis of dynamics, drivers and barriers to socio-technical transitions in diverse domains from mobility to food and built environment.

Candidates are expected to propose their own specific avenues of research, research questions and methodological approaches that advance the theoretical/and or empirical research in this domain.

Responsibilities and (foreseen) tasks

  • Compile a conceptual and analytical framework for examining sustainability-oriented socio-technical transitions in different domains and specific techno-economic and politico-economic context of Estonia.
  • Collect data and conduct case studies on the selected cases on sustainability-oriented socio-technical transitions
  • Contribute to comparative data collection by conducting interviews and contribute to comparative analyses (in collaboration with other colleagues)
  • Contribute to the organization of research and practitioner workshops where project findings are presented

Applicants should fulfil the following requirements:

  • a master’s degree in social sciences
  • a clear interest in the topic of the position
  • excellent command of English
  • strong and demonstrable writing and analytical skills
  • capacity to work both as an independent researcher and as part of an international team
  • willingness to contribute to broader research projects, innovation actions and dissemination of research

The candidate should submit a research plan for the topic, including the overall research and data collection strategy. The candidate can expand on the listed research questions and tasks, and propose theoretical lenses to be used.

We offer:

  • 4-year PhD position in one of the largest, most internationalized and leading social science research centers in Estonia with a large portfolio of ongoing pan-European and national public administration, digital governance and innovation studies projects
  • Opportunities for conference visits, research stays and networking with globally leading universities and research  centers in the fields of public administration, innovation studies and digital government

About the department

The Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance (RND) is an interdisciplinary research center of Tallinn University of Technology that focuses on socially relevant and future-oriented research and teaching issues:

  • models and practices of governance and public administration globally
  • fiscal governance and fiscal bureaucracies
  • e-governance and digital transformation of societies: datafication, public services and state-citizen relations in the digital era, smart cities and digital public services and cross-border collaboration
  • P2P technologies, its' governance and potential new production models
  • science and innovation policies and its' management
  • philosophy and ethics of science and technology.

RND is a highly internationalised department and engages some of the top international thinkers and researchers in its research fields. Next to a fully English taught PhD degree it offers a MA degree in Technology Governance and Digital Transformations, and a unique Erasmus Mundus joint MSc programme in Public Sector Innovation and e- Governance in cooperation with KU Leuven (Belgium) and University of Münster (Germany). RND and its staff have coordinated or been involved in a multitude of international research projects with the EU (INTERREG, COST, Horizon Eurpe), UN (UNDP), OECD (SIGMA), INET, and have participated in various European Commission working groups (the EU's Lisbon Agenda Group, Expert Group on Managing Risks in Public Technology Procurement, Expert Group on Public Sector Innovation). RND is also engaged in several international associations, such as the European Master in Public Administration program (EMPA), European Inter-University Association on Society, Science and Technology (ESST), and the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) where RND coordinates the Permanent Study Group on  Public Administration, Technology and Innovation.

(Additional information)

For further information, please contact Prof Erkki Karo erkki.karo@taltech.ee or visit https://www.taltech.ee/en/nurkse