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This doctoral research proposal aims to study the economic impact of various policy interventions and regime changes in quasi-experimental or regime-varying settings that among others arise from global crises such as COVID-19 pandemics, geopolitical tensions and wars, and climate disasters. The proposal seeks to apply and compare quantitative evaluation methods for generating better understanding on how to consistently estimate intervention effects in varying research contexts paying mostly attention to implications at the level of microeconomic units, including firms, households, or individuals. In doing so, the research identifies the strengths and weaknesses in evaluation approaches and methods in different contexts and provides stronger foundations for evidence-based policy making.

Research field: Economics and finance
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kadri Männasoo
Availability: This position is available.
Offered by: School of Business and Governance
Department of Economics and Finance
Application deadline:Applications are accepted between June 01, 2024 00:00 and June 30, 2024 23:59 (Europe/Zurich)


The world has been recently shaken by major crises including Covid-19 pandemics and the Russia-Ukraine war. The policy making, however, is also challenged by the path-breaking global regime changes such as climate change, mass migrations, digital and technology transformation or soaring public debt. Whether anticipated or not, these challenges require reliable estimates on the prospective effects of these events/processes or on the consequences of planned policy interventions. The research in causal modelling has made rapid progress. The context dependence of causal methods, however, calls for more applied research that employs, integrates and possibly augments the existing tools, while comparatively mapping the strengths and weaknesses and suggesting new insights on the applications of these methods in particular settings.

  • Quantitative economic evaluation of events/regimes using contemporary methods of program or policy evaluation or approaches of structural econometric analysis.
  • Drawing lessons from applications of quantitative/empirical research methodologies and integrating them into existing knowledge base.
  • Deriving policy implications from the outcomes of evidence-based or simulation-based analyses on economic evaluation of events or regime changes

Applicants should fulfil the following requirements:

  • a master’s degree preferably in economics, candidates with a master’s degree in mathematics, data science or statistics are also strongly encouraged to apply
  • strong motivation and a clear interest in the topic of the position
  • excellent command of English
  • strong analytical and writing skills
  • capacity to work both as an independent researcher and as part of an international research team
  • capacity to communicate research results both to academic or expert community and to non-expert community
  • capacity and willingness to contribute in organizational tasks within and beyond the research team

The following experience is beneficial:

  • Experience and working knowledge in conducting statistical or econometric research in STATA, R, MATLAB or in other contemporary analytic software
  • Programming and SQL skills
  • Teaching experience

We offer:

  • 4-year PhD position in a strong team of researchers with international publication record and experience in leading and participating in pan-European research consortia
  • Dynamic and collaborative research environment, regular research discussions in bi-weekly research seminars
  • Opportunities to be involved in ongoing research projects and in new initiatives and to be part of evolving collaborative research network

Conditions of employment

This PhD position is fully funded for a nominal study period of up to 4 years. The appointed candidate is an employee of TalTech Department of Economics and Finance entitled to a salary of approx. EUR 2000 per month gross, including social and health benefits. Defendable PhD research consists of three published papers in Web of Science or Scopus refereed journals. The PhD topic is aligned with the research focuses of the supervisor(s) research group and involves strong engagement by the student both individually and in collaboration with the supervisor and/or other senior research staff. PhD students are expected to participate and present research in department organized research seminars and conferences and submit papers to conferences abroad. The PhD programme offers in-house and external courses and provides funding for the latter. PhD students are also expected to contribute to teaching activities on undergraduate and master level (in English) to an extent that does not compromise the PhD research progress.

The intended commencement of position is on 1 September 2024 subject to some flexibility as of the starting date.

About the department

Department of Economics and Finance (DEF) is a modern academic unit engaged in research with a clear applied and policy-oriented perspective and with emphasis on rigorous empirical analysis. Department conducts teaching of a wide spectrum of Bachelor’s and Master’s courses in economics, finance, mathematical, statistical and econometric methods. DEF research is cross-disciplinary and focuses on linkages between different sectors of a modern market economy, in particular with emphasis on economic change or development and how policies can devise means to attain high and sustainable growth, efficient use of natural and human resources, economic and financial stability, and social cohesion.

DEF is leading and participating in international Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, EEA Grant projects and in COST activities and is carrying out research projects funded by the Estonian public sector. DEF organizes annual international conference and it has an active international research network worldwide.

Application documents and procedure

  1. Application form
  2. Motivation letter, statement of purpose
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Research plan (3-5 pages) on the topic that builds on and elaborates the expected research description as shortly described above. Please highlight the research focuses in alignment with your research interests, present knowledge and experience.
  5. MA and BA diplomas and grade reports
  6. A pdf copy of your MA thesis, if available in English
  7. Other academic publications if available in English

(Additional information)

For further information, please contact Prof Kadri Männasoo kadri.mannasoo@taltech.ee  or visit
